Other than being delicious, this particular cake (that we adapted from Balthazar in New York) and like most great recipes, comes with a comical memory.
Author: John
two turtle doves: laura’s carmelitas
Over Thanksgiving break, my younger sister brought me a version of these treats from my former (her current) English teacher from our small school in rural Missouri.
partridge in a pear tree: chris’s pear sangria
For those of you that have kept up with chris’s corner, you know that it comes with a 3-drink minimum.
jessica’s sugar cookies
We know what you’re thinking: sugar cookies aren’t the most exciting thing you’ve ever made or eaten.
ode to ina: beef bourguignon
Like the teens that ended up in the ICU after watching MTV’s Jackass, I too am guilty of seeing something on TV and ‘trying it at home.’
sandi’s potato latkes
The extent of my knowledge of the Jewish faith or any real Hanukkah traditions (not covered in an Adam Sandler parody song) is slim.
chris’s corner: let them eat cake… correctly!
Please tell me y’all have seen that picture of Honey Boo Boo at the sprinkles cupcake ATM machine thing…
turkey meatloaf
This is not your mama’s meatloaf. That is, unless your mother formerly went by Frank and now wears a women’s size-12 stiletto and has a kaboodle full of foundation and eye liner.
bruschetta a la ‘mo
This recipe is insanely easy, and delivers a crazy amount of flavor for the effort. It is the perfect party appetizer to show off all your newly acquired homo cooking skills.