If your childhood was anything like mine, you remember eating Rice Krispies treats. If your childhood was even more like mine, you may or may not have eaten an entire 9×13 pan of them…
Author: John
queer in the coffee shop
I like basic, boring coffee. Actually, I guess I don’t because I load mine down with a ton of Splenda and half and half. So much it barely resembles coffee at all.
justin’s ‘bend-and-snap’ peas
Just like this classic maneuver from Legally Blonde, this recipe “works every time.”
updated: fried pickled okra
A time honored tradition has hit our hometown of Dallas once again: The State Fair.
zesty beef brisket
Even if it’s a gay that has more styling products, spa appointments, and a tinier dog than the average female, beef is a staple in any MAN’s diet.
bacony Brussels sprouts
I know you’re thinking, “Lord these queers won’t quit with their fancy vegetables!” But stick with us, it’s about to get good, ladies.
chris’s corner: COCKtail
It’s junior year of college, and all of your friends went to Europe for the summer. But, hello, you went last year by yourself because you’re so Eat, Pray, Love before it was even on Elizabeth’s radar.
rio’s marinara sauce
My friend, Rio, is all things fabulous (AKA – the ultimate Fag Hag). She’s half Italian, half Irish. So, basically the WORST drunk ever. Luckily, her half Italian side has produced one my go-to recipes.
pairs well with: Frankenweenie + spiral-cut hot dogs
“Frankenweenie” is the latest from Tim Burton. It’s about young Victor Frankenstein who brings his dead dog back to life by harnessing the power of science.