The holidays are almost over, and everyone knows what time is coming up. The 2-3 week rush of empty promises New Year’s Resolutions. The self-loathing and food-guilt has accumulated the last few months and is hitting a boiling point and your pants are screaming for reprieve. And honestly, we haven’t been much help.
We’ve been stuffing alcohol, desserts and way too many butter-based dishes in your face, literally and figuratively. While we are not one bit sorry for this, we are resolving to serve up healthy options to help transition your eating habits to ones not practiced in Jessica Simpson’s boudoir.
So, as you fight to put down the double-mint ice cream, get into the gym and (to be said in Oprah’s voice) “be your new best you”, know that in the coming weeks we’ll be here for you serving up delicious and healthy food options that don’t taste like flax seed and cardboard. In the meantime, indulge to your cardiac arrest’s content OR revisit some of our favorite healthy options we’ve already posted.